
840.00 ฿

  • Treat of Gastritis, Gastric
    ulcer and Acid reflux
  • Liver detox
  • Improve digestion
  • Resolve Flatulence

Quality Unit: Bottle

SKU: Stomachic Category:

Home remedy for Gastritis, Gastric ulcer
and Acid reflux. Herbal ingredients
improve digestion and resolve flatulence naturally


XX THB / XX Capsules

Solanum torvum

Piper sarmentosum

Curcuma longa


Phyllanthus emblica


Stomach disease is a common sickness that everyone can experience. That makes pain relieve for stomachache one of the household medicines. What if we tell you that you can treat Gastritis, Gastric ulcer and Acid reflux with 100% natural home remedy? Our Stomachic not only relieve the pain, but it treats stomach disease right at the cause. The selected Thai herbs also improve digestion, resolve flatulence and detox liver. In this bottle is all in one treatment to fix stomach problem safely. Purchase today or customize the compounding for your own brand.
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Why Stomachic?

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Weights under 70 kg : Take 2 capsules two times a day before breakfast and before dinner.

Weights 70 kg and more : Take 3 capsules two times a day before breakfast and before dinner.

OR you can take capsules 1 hour after breakfast and after dinner. Herbs are highly effective on an empty stomach

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