Does my order include shipping cost ?

No, We will calculate shipping cost after production complete.

What are the shipping rates ?

We calculate shipping rate base on number of bottles and box size. we try to optimize as much as possible.

Shipping Zone 1: Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam

Box SizeContainsRate/Box
15 bottles1,300 THB
224 bottles2,100 THB
396 bottles2,500 THB
97 bottles up.Actual delivery cost will apply. Please email us.

Shipping Zone 2: China, Hong Kong, Korea (REP), Taiwan

Box SizeContainsRate/Box
15 bottles1,500 THB
224 bottles2,400 THB
396 bottles2,800 THB
97 bottles up.Actual delivery cost will apply. Please email us.

Shipping Zone 3: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy ,Netherlands ,Poland ,Portugal ,Russian Federation ,Spain ,Sweden ,Switzerland ,United Kingdom

Box SizeContainsRate/Box
15 bottles2,600 THB
224 bottles4,100 THB
396 bottles4,200 THB
97 bottles up.Actual delivery cost will apply. Please email us.

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